Research Paper about Crime and Punishment


Research Paper about Crime and Punishment

If you need to write a research paper about crime and punishment in America, you should think out the topic properly unless you have got it from your instructor.

For example, you can write about the situation of the current US criminal statutes which have essentially liberalized in comparison to XIX century:

  • “Humanization of the criminal law has found its expression in wide use of such type of punishment as probation which is peculiar alternative to the imprisonment…” 

If you need to describe the main types of the punishment in your research paper about crime and punishment in America, you can touch on the topic of penalty:

  • “The penalty is administered according to codes of states as the alternative penalty for grave crimes, and there is considered payment of the large sums as the basic measure of punishment in case of commitment of crimes…”

It is possible to include some facts from the history of famous bills:

  • “Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 orders to federal courts to verdict exact terms of imprisonment for the person who has committed a crime with application of violence, and also for recidivists…”.

If you want your research paper about crime and punishment in America to be interesting, look through historical facts:

  • “Last decades the criminal policy and the right of the USA are directed on the coordinated struggle against rather new and dangerous types of crimes (pedophilia, drug traffic, computer criminality etc.)…”

Research Paper about Crime and Punishment Topics

  • Concept of punishment on the US criminal law. Kinds of punishments on the US criminal law.
  • The purposes of punishments in the US criminal law.
  • Security measures in the US criminal law.
  • Distinction between illegal penetration and burglary.
  • Concept and types of crime on the US criminal law (general criminal acts; ‘white-collar’ crimes; tax crimes).
  • Punishments and preventive measures in the US criminal law.

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