Psychology Research Paper Topics


Psychology Research Paper Writing

Typical psychology research paper writing includes the traditional steps for research project completion. This article is written with the purpose to assist you with research paper writing as well as to explore research paper topics you may use for your research paper projects.

  • Introduction: you should present the theoretical background to the topic and provide a short and yet relevant literature review. At least 5-10 relevant articles and book should be included into the reference list. Be sure to use only reliable sources for literature review. Wiki pages are not reliable.
  • Methods: you should clearly outline the research methods employed, provide information about participants.
  • Results: discuss the results of your investigation, include supporting descriptive statistics, and apply statistical tests to validate reliability of investigation.
  • Discussions: address the research questions, give your ideas about the meaning of results, discuss practical and theoretical implications.
  • Formatting: write short abstract, summary the study, and follow APA style throughout the paper

Suggestions for Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Historical person:  Explore theories and professional career of the famous psychologist.
  • Experiment: Choose specific experiment for your investigation and try to conduct it. Record the results of it and discuss the findings. You may also test the timeliness and appropriateness of the old theories and experiments.
  • Case study: Choose a specific case study for analysis, conduct research to support your ideas (impact of television on children is one of the possible topics for case study writing)

You may also use any of the following topics for your psychology research paper writing:

  1. Causes, symptoms, and treatment of schizophrenia in young people
  2. The scope and influence of social interaction on daily life of people
  3. Individual response to stress, stressors, and stressful situations at work
  4. Depression: causes and evaluation of the effective treatments
  5. Mental development of children with learning disabilities
  6. Is there is a link between gender and memory, age and memory?

Final Advice

Also, you may always turn to our professional essay helpers to get help with your assignment. We can definitely help you with psychology research paper writing on any topic and within any deadline. We are online 24/7 to offer help with your psychology research paper writing!

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