Academic Essay Writing


Academic Essay Writing

Why go through months of anxiety and endless trial and error while coming to terms with academic essay writing, when you can get it right the first time? Here are some useful dos and don’ts that will help you streamline the process of academic essay writing:

  • Do your entire researching first and make notes about what credible prescribed readings have to say on your topic. Your academic essay writing should be based on your expert opinion after you have scanned academic archives, the internet, your notes and the library to draw out the most important points.
  • Plan the outline of your essay by drawing a diagram in which you encircle the most important point-(your thesis statement)-and develop three main points it to support your main argument
  • Maintain a logical flow between each para with three to four sentences expanding on the thesis argument
  • Make sure that all your academic essay writing is in the active voice
  • Back your findings with properly cited quotes from authoritative sources
  • Go directly to the point and remain focused on the central issue of your academic essay writing with the use of  logical arguments
  • Summarize and verify your findings in the concluding Para by restating your thesis statement and briefly reviewing how the subsequent points validate your thesis before reaching the logical conclusion.

Academic Essay Writing: Enjoy the Process

You can’t always choose what you do but you can choose how you do it. Enjoying the entire process of academic essay writing will make it easier to write a winning academic essay. Academic essay writing consists of sequential steps that you have to navigate with just like a sailor depends on his compass to show him the way.

Now use your findings to analyze and thoroughly understand the views of your prescribed authors. Spell out their claims along with evidence and reasons. You can practice by analyzing earlier expert academic essay writing.

Academic Essay Writing: Offer Your Original Insight

Add your own contribution to the topic by brainstorming and asking and answering a number of questions. Zero in on the most important point for your thesis statement and write the rest of your essay around it.

Make sure the structure of your academic essay writing consists of an introductory paragraph with a strong thesis statement and body paragraphs that elaborate on the related points in your argument, to reach a logical conclusion in the final paragraph. Follow this process and your academic essay writing is sure to get appreciated and rewarded.

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